Liquid Sage Spray for Smudging and Cleansing - Moonwater Elixirs Smudge Spray is an ash-free alternative for clearing your space from negative energy.
1. Sage Mist for Spiritual Purification - Safeguard your home with Moonwater Elixir’s White Sage Smudge Mist.
2. Liquid Sage Spray Refreshes and Purifies to shield your environment.
3. White Sage Smudging Mist for removing negative energy from your living space.
Negative Energy Protection - Our White Sage spray cleanses your mind, body, and spirit of negative energies. Positive energy increases your sense of well-being and helps mental focus. Our Sage Spray + White Sage for Smudging And Negative Energy Moonwater Elixir’s smudging spray can be used anytime, anywhere for negative energy protection.
Spiritual Cleansing Spray - Each Sage Spray contains Reiki-charged distilled water that has been energized under a Full Moon and hand-blended with organic white sage essential oil and infused with genuine clear quartz crystals to elevate your sense of peacefulness.
Moon Water Energy - Our Moonwater Elixir water receives the greatest benefits of the Moon's energy, which is captured and harnessed for three full nights, surrounded by crystals infusing it with positive Reiki energy and intention.